Community Care Plan: North Texas Performing Arts Community

Community Care Plans are designed to address specific conflicts and crises occurring in communities, workplaces, and organizations. If your group or community needs support, please reach out to request aContinue reading “Community Care Plan: North Texas Performing Arts Community”

Summer of Pride: Call for Submissions

Brainbow: A Virtual Conference for Pride-Minded People We are seeking presenters, educators, and artists to teach queer-focused workshops to professionals and community members. This virtual conference is an all-day eventContinue reading “Summer of Pride: Call for Submissions”

Where Does the Money Go?

When you choose The Gracious Mind, you help us further our mission to provide safe, affirming, and accessible mental health services to the community. 100% of the proceeds from allContinue reading “Where Does the Money Go?”

Are You Respecting Your Transgender Loved Ones?

“When I first came out as transgender, I was surprised to find that many people in my life wanted to support me. I received a lot of encouraging words, oftenContinue reading “Are You Respecting Your Transgender Loved Ones?”

Becoming the Parent of a Trans Child

Learning the ins-and-outs of parenting a transgender child is made easier by the recent outpouring of stories, suggestions, and advice from families all over the world who are making theContinue reading “Becoming the Parent of a Trans Child”

Girl Scouts is for Every Girl

It’s cookie season! This article from last year (2015) highlights one of the many reasons to support the Troupes! Girl Scouts Choose Transgender Girls Over $100,000 Donation “In 2012, whenContinue reading “Girl Scouts is for Every Girl”

The Forsaken

“For LGBT kids who remain homeless, the stakes are clearly life and death. They are seven times more likely than their straight counterparts to be the victims of a crime,Continue reading “The Forsaken”

Holiday Guide to Racial Justice

Need a helpful placemat to support your advocacy work? Check out Showing Up for Racial Justice‘s handy discussion guide!

Look for the Helpers

Ted Hesson brings us a glimpse into the lives of those who are doing their best to support refugees, as captured by Humans of New York. See the photos andContinue reading “Look for the Helpers”


I came across this poem and felt it so deeply, I couldn’t help but share it. Sorry! An apology from Muslims (or those perceived to be Muslims) to humanity We areContinue reading “Apology”