Systemic Racism Explained: Laci Green

Noted social justice educator Laci Green brings us this short introduction to systemic racism in America.

Wake Up, It’s Christmas! (plus 35 links to make you a better ally)

I’ve vacillated mightily today. I’ve cried tears of joy and rage. I’ve imagined a thousand weddings and mentally designed two thousand rhinestoned gowns, all while cursing the proprietary and historically oppressive institution. I’ve been excited, then furious with myself for being excited about something so freaking stupid.

Not a Welfare Queen

Anna Gibson writes a piece introducing the myth of the welfare queen and the realities hidden behind that myth. “What we find in impoverished communities are a number of BlackContinue reading “Not a Welfare Queen”

20 things the poor do daily

Ben Irwin takes us on a fantastically clear and well-sourced journey through some of the struggles people living in poverty face, including difficulties with housing, lack of sleep, juggling multipleContinue reading “20 things the poor do daily”